Schools and Day Care Centers

We are a consulting and auditing company with proven experience in the provision of specific services, with professionals specialized in the support of management of educational centers, treating the issues according to the unique nature of each entity, being that services to educational organizations is one of our specialties.

  • Resource Optimization
  • Analysis of the adequacy of the operation of the center to the applicable legislation
  • Advice on schedules, personnel, university degrees, work days, distribution of teaching and non-teaching hours, etc.
  • Support in the elaboration of strategic plans.

Business law

  • Incorporation of companies, foundations and cooperatives.
  • Modification and adaptation of statutes.
  • Formalization of partners agreement.
  • Registration in the Mercantile Register.
  • Legalization of books of minutes and books of partners.
  • Dissolution of partnerships.
  • Commercial Reports.
  • Commercial Contracts.

Administrative Law

  • Authorization to open educational centers, changes of ownership, extensions, etc.
  • Claims before the Economic-Administrative courts and before the Contentious-Administrative jurisdiction.
  • Loan agreements, rentals, etc.

